Handling, Maneuvering & Commanding of Tugs, Boats & Craft including Towage Operations, Surveillance, Search & Rescue
Course Description
This five-day training course is essential for marine and shipping personnel dealing with tugs and towage. All applicable Class and Statutory regulations, inspections, surveying (current & proposed), and certification pertaining to tugs will be discussed. Attendants will receive a solid foundation of the requirements of the Class and Flag State. This course will concentrate on tug designs and types of tugs, assisting methods, tug capabilities and limitation, bollard pull, interaction, towing equipment, tug development and safety. The topics presented during this training course will provide companies with the information necessary to meet current and proposed compliance requirements more economically while maintaining the highest level of safety.
The Training Course Will Highlight ?

Organizational Impact
Organizations dealing with the tugs benefit tremendously when their leaders possess a high degree of the inner competencies gained in this seminar. They will be better able to understand the various tug types, assisting methods and certificates required by the tugs. They will access in-depth thinking potential to make decisions and solve problems more effectively.
- Understanding of the use of tugs, assisting methods and tug designs
- Improving interface management between departments dealing with the tug operations
- Minimizing number of mistakes when working with various tug types
- Speeding up operations
- Serving clients more efficiently
- Enhancing human relations within the organization
- Improving vision of future opportunities for development
- Developing necessary employee’s skills
- Saving costs

Training Objective

- Tug designs and assisting methods.

- Factors influencing tug type & design.

-Types of tug-tug performance and safety.

-Tug superstructure and underwater design.

-Assisting methods relationship between type of tug and assisting method\tug capabilities and limitations-pivot
point-towing point, pushing point and lateral center of pressure-direct and indirect towing methods- reducing the
transverse resistance of the hull - reducing the height of the towing point-a towline with good shock absorption
characteristics-reducing the height of the pushing point.

- Bollard pull requirements-factors influencing bollard pull requirements\tug wash effects-environmental conditions and

- Interaction effects influencing tug performance - tug safety coming alongside and departing from a ship’s
side - passing a towline near the bow-passing a towline at the stern-forward & stern tug steering broadside.

- Escort towing operational practice-braking & steering forces-side & rudder tugs-stability.

Target Audience

This training seminar will greatly benefit all individuals who wish to improve their leadership skills and develop their personal power and effectiveness:
• Managers
• Team Leaders
• Supervisors
• Professionals
• Technical Staff
• Superintendents

• Operators
• Officers
• Procurement professionals
• Suppliers
• Planners
• Inventory professionals

Training Methods

Daily Agenda

DAY 1: Tug designs and types of harbour tugs
• Differences in tug design factors and assisting methods
• Factors influencing tug type and tug assistance
• Types of tugs
• Classification of tugs and operational design aspects
• Basic and related tug types
• FAST tug types, specific tug types, research, performance

DAY 2: Assisting methods, tug capabilities and limitation
• Assisting methods
• Basic principles and definitions
• Capabilities and limitations
• Design consequences
• Environment limits for tug operations
• Some other practical aspects

DAY 3: Bollard pull required, interaction and tug safety
• Introduction
• Factors influencing bollard pull required
• Bollard pull required
• Interaction and shallow water effects
• Tug safety
• Summary and conclusions

DAY 4: Towing Equipment
• Additional towing points and gob ropes
• Towing bitts, hooks and winches
• Towline Safety Systems
• Sale and Purchase
• Towlines and its handling
• SWL, towing equipment, emergency towing equipment

DAY 5: Escort tugs, tugs development, safety
• Escorting objective and tug placement
• Special developments in the design of tugs
• Autonomous tugs
• Safety
• Risks
• Safety Management Systems


CDGA attendance certificate will be issued to all attendees completing minimum of 80% of the total course duration.

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Course Rounds : (5 -Days)

Code Date Venue Fees Register
MAR111-02 14-07-2025 Istanbul USD 5950
MAR111-03 12-10-2025 Dubai USD 5450
Prices doesn't include VAT

UpComing Date

  • Start date 14-07-2025
  • End date 18-07-2025

  • Country Turkey
  • Venue Istanbul

Quality Policy

 Providing services with a high quality that are satisfying the requirements
 Appling the specifications and legalizations to ensure the quality of service.
 Best utilization of resources for continually improving the business activities.

Technical Team

CDGA keen to selects highly technical instructors based on professional field experience

Strengths and capabilities

Since CDGA was established, it considered a training partner for world class oil & gas institution

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Ireland, Ireland

3012, Block 3, 30 Euro Business Park, Little Island, Co. Cork, T45 V220, Ireland

+353 214 552955

Mon to Fri 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM


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