Petrel for Reservoir Engineering
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce reservoir engineers and asset teams to the interactive Petrel reservoir engineering tools used for the construction of simulation models. In this course, you will build a 3D simulation model inside Petrel based on geological input data, add wells and well control rules, create black oil fluid models and rock physics functions, and submit the model to the simulators. Additional lessons on Well engineering, upscaling/advanced corner point gridding and some modeling options (aquifer creation, local grid refinement, creation of tartan grids, case conversion) are covered The hands-on exercises are structured to enable the trainee apply the software skills obtained during training and they cover most of the Petrel simulation workflows. Overall, pre-processing and post-processing of simulation data will be done within the Petrel environment.
The Training Course Will Highlight ?
Training Objective

Target Audience

Development and exploration petroleum engineers, reservoir engineers and geoscientists. 


General knowledge of reservoir engineering, and/or petroleum geology and geophysics.

Training Methods

Daily Agenda

Introduction to Petrel


o          Seismic to simulation workflow with one application

o          Simulators launched within Petrel

  • ECLIPSE Blackoil and Compositional
  • FrontSim.
  • INTERSECT high-resolution reservoir simulator


o          Petrel user interface.

  • Petrel Explorer panes.
  • Typical pre and post processing Reservoir Engineering workflow.
  • Ribbon and other interface elements
  • Searches in Petrel
  • Generic Windows and specific Petrel shortcut keys.
  • Coordinate systems in Petrel


o          Project settings

o          Object settings






  • Visualization: Windows
  • Visualization: Display tools
  • Visualization: Check boxes
  • File Management
  • Export simulation keywords
  • Team collaboration: Annotate
  • Help Center


o          Use the Petrel user interface


  • Start Petrel.
  • Visualize data
  • Access and use the Input and Models panes
  • Quick access to tools tips
  • Object settings: Use the Statistics tab
  • Object Settings: Use the Info and Style tabs
  • Object settings Use the Histogram tab
  • Edit and quality check with the spreadsheet


Simple Simulation Models


o          How to make a simple grid with a simulation fault

  • Make simple grid process
  • Use a constant and surface in the Make simple grid process
  • Skeleton grid
  • Insert horizons
  • Vertical subdivision
  • Make horizons
  • Make horizons: Output
  • Layering
  • Grid properties
  • Define grid properties


o          Rock physics functions

  • Purpose of saturation functions
  • Make a rock physics function
  • Oil-water relative permeability
  • Capillary pressure
  • Capillary pressure data: Gas-oil.
  • Leverett J-function correlation
  • Scale for a capillary pressure function





  • J-function parameters
  • Rock compaction tables
  • Make rock physics functions
  • Make a saturation function
  • Make a rock compaction function
  • Review rock physics functions data
  • Import a keyword rock physics function


o          Fluid models

  • Make a fluid model
  • Correlation library
  • Black oil and compositional models
  • Phase diagrams
  • Make a fluid model
  • Preset black oil models
  • Create tables from correlations option
  • Plot a fluid model
  • Initial conditions
  • Make contacts


Model initialization and volume calculation


o          Define simulation case

  • Three ways of initializing the model
  • Initialize the model Grid properties
  • Add more grid properties
  • Use initial conditions option
  • Implications of block-centered versus corner point
  • Equilibration
  • Define simulation case: Strategies tab
  • Grid export formats
  • Transmissibility tab


o          Volume calculation

  • Volume Calculation using 3D grid
  • Geologic and simulation grids
  • Volume calculation vs. simulation case initialization
  • Volume calculation: Hydrocarbon intervals
  • Use constants or existing grid properties
  • Volumetric calculation
  • Define a new volumetric case and calculate bulk volume





Simulation run and results viewing


o          Setting up simulation run using an existing development strategy

o          Results charting and analysis

  • Main components of Results charting and analysis.
  • Picking modes
  • Make a plot using the Results charting and analysis dialog
  • Result charting and analysis: Settings
  • Interactive searching and filtering
  • Interactive searching and filtering
  • Split views
  • Extract individual line plots from a group of thumbnails
  • Use the Customize splitting command
  • Well player
  • Chart theme
  • Charting window export options
  • Plot window
  • Bubble maps: Time varying data
  • Display time varying data


o          Production bubble mapping tool


  • Fi le types to export dynamic result data
  • Export dynamic result data
  • Use the Results charting and analysis process
  • Plot data versus time for field/well performance analysis
  • Create a chart theme template
  • Create a split view
  • Create an individual chart from a split view
  • Export chart data to Excel
  • Share the chart template using the Reference project tool
  • Plot window: Create multiple viewport plots


o          3D simulation results


  • 3D viewing
  • Display 3D results
  • Use the Time player for time step animation
  • Filters in Petrel
  • 3D viewing: 1 D filters
  • Filter by combing 1 D filter range on X axis and 1 D filter range on Y
  • Apply the I, J, K layer filter





  • Perform grid clipping
  • Apply a well filter
  • Visual filter
  • General intersection
  • Intersection window
  • Display summary data
  • Streamline generation
  • Generate stream lines
  • Streamlines output results
  • Water saturation progression with time
  • Multi-value probe
  • Using a multi-value probe


o          Summary calculator and Geometrical modeling


  • Summary calculator
  • Summary calculator: Summary vectors workflow
  • 3D results calculator: Grid properties
  • Geometrical modeling
  • Well index
  • Grid geometry
  • Create new vectors
  • Create new vectors using the Summary Calculator
  • Dynamic saved searches


History matching and prediction


o          History development strategy

  • History and prediction
  • Input data required for history strategy
  • Main elements of the development strategy dialog box
  • Create a History development strategy
  • Preset strategies
  • VFP tables
  • Import a VFP table in ECLIPSE VFP format
  • Default history strategy
  • Average of historical production data
  • Compare observed data and a created history strategy


  • Grid property modifications during history matching





  • Grid property modification
  • Modify grid properties
  • Define property modifier set
  • Manage operations within a property modifier
  • Manage the filters within a property modifier


o          Fault transmissibility multipliers


  • Transmissibility Multipliers (TM)
  • How the TM is computed
  • Structural and Fault analysis dialog box
  • Tuning the TM during history matching
  • Manage the filters within a property modifier


o          Prediction strategy

  • Create a new empty prediction strategy
  • Management of Well folders in the Development strategy dialog
  • Add a new well group
  • Groups: Membership changing with time
  • Add rules
  • Targets and limits
  • Tabular rules
  • Rules: Validation
  • Include the prediction strategy in the simulation case
  • Restart runs
  • Create restart runs


Simulation study


o          Model description

  • Prepare all the input data required to build your base case
  • Run the base case
  • Convert Producer to Injector
  • Create a New Injector

CDGA attendance certificate will be issued to all attendees completing minimum of 80% of the total course duration.

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Course Rounds : (5 -Days)

Code Date Venue Fees Register
DE239-02 21-10-2024 Istanbul USD 5950
DE239-03 22-12-2024 Dubai USD 5450
Prices doesn't include VAT

UpComing Date

  • Start date 21-10-2024
  • End date 25-10-2024

  • Country Turkey
  • Venue Istanbul

Quality Policy

 Providing services with a high quality that are satisfying the requirements
 Appling the specifications and legalizations to ensure the quality of service.
 Best utilization of resources for continually improving the business activities.

Technical Team

CDGA keen to selects highly technical instructors based on professional field experience

Strengths and capabilities

Since CDGA was established, it considered a training partner for world class oil & gas institution

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Ireland, Ireland

3012, Block 3, 30 Euro Business Park, Little Island, Co. Cork, T45 V220, Ireland

+353 214 552955

Mon to Fri 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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